
» » Hello,this is my Opinion and not your?s... | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

Hello,this is my Opinion and not your?s... | Counter-Strike: Global Offensive

this is my Opinion and not your?s so read to the end!
Lets begin!

Counter Strike, a game that changed many peoples lifes because of the ingame skins.
Counter Strike, a game where ingame Knifes are much more expensive than real life.
Counter Strike has many fans and Cs:Go has reached the most played game of all Counter Strike?s

Gameplay 8/10
+Many weapons
+Competetiv(Matchmaking,Rankplay) <-- can be Fun with friends

-Can be buggy(like every game)
-You can have a bad team in Matchmaking

That are some small Points, but can effect the Gameplay very much.

The Community can be very Toxic sometimes.

The Ranksystem:
? Silver 1 (Beginners)
? Silver 2 (Beginners)
? Silver 3 (Beginners)
? Silver 4 (Beginners)
? Silver Elite (Beginners)
? Silver Elite Master (Beginners)
? Gold Nova 1 (Beginners)
? Gold Nova 2 (Beginners)
? Gold Nova 3 (Advanced)
? Gold Nova Master (Advanced)
? Master Guardian 1 (Trained)
? Master Guardian 2 (Trained)
? Master Guardian Elite (Heavy)
? Distinguished Master Guardian (Heavy)
? Legendary Eagle (Heavy)
? Legendary Eagle Master (Very Hard)
? Supreme Master First Class (Impossible)
? The Global Elite (Impossible)

You can derank from your Rank when you play too bad and lose games for example.
Mostly of the CS:GO Community are between Gold Nova 1 to Gold Nova 2 so dont feel sad if you
are Gold Nova 1

CS:GO rarity Colors:
1) - White - Consumer grade
2) - Light blue - Industrial grade
3) - Darker blue - Mil-spec
4) - Purple - Restricted
5) - Pinkish purple - Classified
6) - Red - Covert
7) - Exceedingly Rare ?

So higher is it so more expensive it can be.

Russia Communications: (for Dust 2 mostly)

Hello - Privet (Привет)

How are you? - Kak dela? (Как дела?)

Yes - Da (Да)

No - Net (Нет)

Thanks - Spasibo (Спасибо)

Please - Pozhaluista/plz (Пожалуйста/плз)

Sorry - Izvinite (Извините)

Go, go, go! - Davai! (Давай!)

Good luck - Udachi (Удачи)

Are there any russians? - Zdes russkie est? (Здесь русские есть?)

I can't speak Russian - Ya ne govoryu po-russki (Я не говорю по-русски)

Could you please speak English? - Govorite, pozhaluista, po-angliiski. (Говорите, пожалуйста, по-английски.)

I don't understand - Ya ne ponimayu (Я не понимаю)

I need help - Nuzhna pomosh/Pomogite (Нужна помощь/помогите)

Kill him - Ubeite ego (pronounced as eVo) (Убейте его)

Well played - Neploho sigrano (Неплохо сыграно)

We need smoke - Nuzhen smoke (Нужен смоук)

Don't give up - Ne sdavaites (Не сдавайтесь)

Relax, you are doing fine - Rasslabtes, vse normalno (Расслабьтесь, все нормально)


Blue - Sinii (Синий)

Purple - Fioletovii (Фиолетовый)

Yellow - Zheltii (Желтый)

Orange - Orangevii (Оранжевый)

Green - Zelenii (Зеленый)

The following translations are due to the contributions of /u/dimchuck

Middle - Centr (мидл/мид/центр)

You make my ???? hard with your performance - U menya vstal ot tvoey igri (у меня встал от твоей игры)

Nice try - Neploho (неплохо)

Can you drop me a gun? - Mozhesh dat'/Dropnut' me stvol? (можешь дать/дропнуть мне ствол?)

Grenade - Granata/Grena (граната/грена)

Molotov - Molotov (молотов)

Flash - Flashka (флеш/флешка)

Rotate - Povarot (ротейт)

Save - Sejb (сейв)

A weapon dropped by a dead player - drop (дроп)

Wallbang - prostrel (прострел)

Spraying the bullets - Spray (спрей)

When players tactically throw grenades on a bombsite to gain advantage: raskidka (раскидка)

Boost (when players stand on each other): podsadka (буст )

Holding position to apply tactics: Hold (холд)

When a player rushes for the base to get the kills with no tactics involved - Arkada or Arcade(Aркада)

Eco - eco (эко)

Long - dlina (длина)/ long (лонг)

Numbers (Credit to /u/neurokirurgi

One = odin (один)

Two = dva (два)

Three = tri (три)

Four = chetyrye (четыре)

Five = pyat (пять)

Credit to WickedHashbrowns (look Reddit link for more Credit)

!only for traders!
If someone is interested to trade a AWP | Assiimov BS look in my Inventory

Thank you for reading, this game is a MUST HAVE for Steam and Counter Strike fans.

Thank you for reading until this :)
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