
» » Как победить во всех Backtalk - испытаниях

Как победить во всех Backtalk - испытаниях

Объяснение Backtalk - системы

Backtalk — рискованный/благоприятный режим разговора в Life is Strange: Before the Storm, который позволяет Хлое Прайс воспользоваться своим острым языком, чтобы спровоцировать кого-то или дать возможность по-тихому уйти.
Отказавшись от фишки с перемещением во времени из первой игры, Before the Storm вводит новую механику, основанную на решении задач в виде диалогов. Каждый раз, когда Хлоя беседует с кем-то, кого она надеется убедить, появляется опция "Backtalk". Backtalk позволяет Хлое «перевести стрелки» или попробовать изменить точку зрения другого персонажа. Backtalk — не обязательный режим, и вы всегда можете использовать другие способы для достижения цели.

Первый эпизод - "Пробуждение"


1) Backtalk - испытание с вышибалой в начале эпизода
- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 5 правильных ответов, вышибале - 4 неправильных ответа Хлои

Правильные ответы:
Вышибала: "Isn't it past your bed time?"
Хлоя: Your bedtime? (+1/5)
No bedtime. (+1/5)
Do me a solid. (-1/4)

Вышибала: "Real cute. But I still don't know you." or "Stop being cute and just split."
Хлоя: What could it hurt? (-1/4)
I don't do cute. (+1/5)
Cute is relative. (+1/5)

Вышибала: "Ok, kid. I get it, you're tough." or "Kid, you're not listening. Beat it!"
Хлоя: This isn't a playground. (+1/5)
Fine. I'll sneak in. (-1/4)
I am not a kid! (+1/5)

Вышибала: "A girl like you... I can't protect you in there." or "Girls like you get chewed up in there."
Хлоя: A girl like me? (+1/5)
Girls kick????? (+1/5)
Flowers on your bike? (If Chloe looked at the bike with flowers on it) (+1/5)
I'm not worried. (-1/4)

Вышибала: "Look. My boss decides who gets in, alright?" or "My boss will kill me if I let you in."
Хлоя: Who's your boss? (+1/5)
Look the other way. (-1/4)
Bosses suck. (+1/5)

Вышибала: "Okay, you're funny. But that's not the point." or "Around here funny people have a way of getting hurt."
Хлоя: Knock, knock. (+1/5)
F.U.N. (+1/5)
You try too hard. (-1/4)

Вышибала: "Being mean won't get you anywhere, kid." or "Keep pushing me. See where it gets you."
Хлоя: I'm sorry. (-1/4)
Eat your feelings. (+1/5)
Is that bracelet for real? (+1/5)

Вышибала: "You know Damon would probably get a kick out of you..." or "Doesn't matter, Damon doesn't like new people, okay?"
Хлоя: Who's Damon? (+1/5)
Help me out here! (-1/4)
Damon Shmamon. (+1/5)

Дэвид перед школой

2) Backtalk - испытание с Дэвид Мэдсеном перед поездкой в школу
- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 5 правильных ответа, Дэвиду - 2 неправильных ответа Хлои

Дэвид: "Language! You are way out of line, young lady."
Хлоя: French is a language. (+1/5)
Military language. (+1/5)
Mustache! (-1/2)

Дэвид: "You've got a smart mouth, don'tcha?" or "You're so smart. Too bad you don't know who you're dealing with here."
Хлоя: You're stupid. (+1/5)
Can't threaten me. (-1/2)
Let me dumb it down. (+1/5)

Дэвид: "Hey! Watch your--I can crap bigger than you, got it?" or "I can crap bigger than you. Just remember that."
Хлоя: Thought I smelled crap. (+1/5)
You're the crap master. (+1/5)
Just shoot me. (-1/2)

Дэвид: "You--! Your mother... You're breaking her heart!" or "It would break your mother's heart to hear you being so disrespectful."
Хлоя: Don't pretend to care. (-1/2)
Leave mom out of this. (+1/5)
At least she has a heart. (+1/5)

Дэвид: "I was in the army! You will respect me!" or "In the army that kind of talk would get you assigned to KP duty for a month."
Хлоя: I didn't enlist. (+1/5)
You're not my father. (-1/2)
Bill of Rights, fool. (+1/5)

Дэвид: "Look. Now. In this house--I have my job to do do you!" or "My job is to make sure you and your mother have a safe and peaceful home."
Хлоя: Go away. (-1/2)
How about telecommuting. (+1/5)
You have no job. (Если Хлоя увидет брошюру с ярмаркой работ) (+1/5)
You deserve a raise. (+1/5)

Директор Уэллс

3) Backtalk - испытание с директором Уэллсом рядом с академией Блэквелл

- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 3 правильных ответа, директору Уэллсу - 1 неправильный ответ Хлои

Директор Уэллс: "And here I thought your well of witticisms had finally run dry."
Хлоя: Learn some tolerance. (-1/1)
Principal "Wells." I get it. (+1/3)
My well is deep. (+1/3)

Директор Уэллс: "Jokes? In my experiences, that's how the guilty cover up their infractions."
Хлоя: Who's guilty now? (+1/3)
Article four-twenty. (-1/1)
The guilty have rights. (+1/3)

Директор Уэллс: "We are a private institution, and policy allows me to search all students on the premises."
Хлоя: You seem stressed. (-1/1)
My own policy. (+1/3)
The Prescotts' policy? (Если Мисс Грант упоминает Фонд Прескоттов при разговоре с Хлоей, а Скип не говорит о политике высоких рисков) (+1/3)
High risk policy? (Если Скип использовал это выражение) (+1/3)
Insurance. (+1/3)

Настольная игра

4) Backtalk - испытание во время игры в настольную игру со Стеф и Майки (против драконкина, чтобы получить его ключи)
- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 2 правильных ответа, драконкину - 2 неправильных ответа Хлои

Рассказчик: "He steps back, his scaly skin quivering in fear. What do you say?"
Хлоя: Meat puppet. (+1/2)
Dragons are????????? (-1/2)
Shoes. (+1/2)

Рассказчик: "The dragonkin pleads with you. 'Please don't harm me, tall one. But I cannot give you key. Duurgaron much taller and meaner than you.'"
Хлоя: Could make you shorter. (+1/2)
Could make you taller. (+1/2)
Die of old age. (-1/2)

Рассказчик: Third threat
Хлоя: Grab the key. (-1/2)
Pull out your stomach. (+1/2)
Taste my axe. (+1/2)

Дрю, издевающийся над Нейтаном

5) Backtalk - испытание с Дрю Нортом
- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 4 правильных ответа, Дрю - 2 неправильных ответа Хлои

Дрю: "What the hell did you just say to me?"
Хлоя: Back off? (+1/4)
Idiot? (+1/4)
Leave. Now. (-1/2)

Дрю: "You're seriously defending Nathan Prescott?" or "You're actually standing up for Nathan Prescott?"
Хлоя: Nathan's an easy target. (+1/4)
That's hardly fair. (-1/2)
Got me feeling sorry for a Prescott. (+1/4)

Дрю: "You're such a crazy freak! Mind Your own business." or "Are you crazy? Mind your own business, freak."
Хлоя: I'm crazy, that's true. (+1/4)
What if he cries to Daddy? (-1/2)
You know what's crazy? (+1/4)

Дрю: "You want a piece of this?"
Хлоя: No thanks. (-1/2)
A piece of your bromance? (+1/4)
A piece of cake. (+1/4)

Дрю: "You think this is funny? You think I'm joking, here?" or "Do you really think I'm going to let you talk to me like that?"
Хлоя: You suck. (-1/2)
I think we're done. (+1/4)
Think? (+1/4)

Люди на пикнике

6) Backtalk - испытание с людьми на пикнике (украсть вино)
- (минус) - неправильный ответ
+ (плюс) - правильный ответ

Хлое надо выбрать 3 правильных ответа, людям на пикнике - 1 неправильный ответ Хлои

Люди на пикнике: "What are you waiting for? Go!"
Хлоя: Who's the one waiting? (+1/3)
Won't have long to wait long. (+1/3)
Sterilize the wound. (-1/1)

Люди на пикнике: "Good point. We'll keep watch while you go."
Хлоя: Watch out for rabies. (+1/3)
Here's some medicine. (-1/1)
Watch her die? (+1/3)

Люди на пикнике: "This woman need help from someone who actually knows what they're doing."
Хлоя: It's contagious. (-1/1)
Good Samaritans. (+1/3)
Unlock your potential. (Если Хлоя подслушала разговор людей на пикнике, пока искала способ включить видоискатель) (+1/3)
Encouraging platitude. (+1/3)
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