
» » 6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]

6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]

6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]


  • Stop enemies to save ally with ur model and then tether-out to him.Same with creeps.
  • Use tether, then overcharge and bottle on fountain to help your allies regen faster
  • Fountain regen and bottle refill lasts for some time after you get out, you can buff allys some hp and mana with tether when you go with relocate or with portal scroll out of the fountain.
  • Use tether, overcharge and healing salve when ur carry gets attacked, tanking tower or fighting to buff him AS, resistance and regen.
  • Armlet, Blink dagger, Shadow amulet, Force staff, Euls scepter and ghost scepter is very nice survive items.
  • Use tether to run away if you get ganked and ur creeps or ally is near.
  • You can use tether to destroy trees in some places and provide your jungler shorter way between neutral spawns.
  • You can start harrass with spirits from second level of that ability.On first level it have no sence.
  • You can run counter-clockwise round creeps with spirits to damage it more. When spirits duration ends - it will damage like when blow on enemies.
  • If you have full hp and need to heal carry, better take overcharge on 2 lvl.Cuz u dont regen on full hp, but tether buffs ur regen. Or you can let yourself take some damage.
  • Say carry to heal u when u tethered to him if he about to heal himself, cuz that gives him more heal
  • If you ganking without Relocate, go back of ur enemies and tether to allies, by that u slow enemies what trap on ur fly way.
  • Use tether and instant rightclick, and ulti and instant rightclick on ally, cuz using that abilities stop io
  • Dont forget to break tether if your ally about to kill running hero or if you relocated from dangerous zone.
  • Take good clever position with yourself relatively to ally before gank with Relocate.You can insta-tether enemies by that.
  • Always use tether to run faster
  • Best rune for IO - regeneration. You can use it from bottle and use overcharge and buff allys mega heal.
  • Do not forget to tether before meka or arcane use.
  • Use timings to double your spirits damage when u ganking w/ Relocate.
  • Shadow Amulet invisibility do not breaks by Relocate's return.
  • Better take stunner or slower to gank with u.
  • You can use spirits to scan area for enemies.Learn how to hit with them good.
  • Use ur ulti to finish low hp running enemies if nobody can do it.
  • 300ms enemy runs from map centre on mid to area before the fountain area about 25 secs.350ms - about 22.400-about 20.From map corners enemy runs 1.4x longer. Simply remember it ;)
  • If you or tethered ally is about to taking high damage burst - turn on overcharge directly before it to apply 20% resist to that burst.

io the crazy badass carry/mid

Originally posted by author:
"-висп не контрится//-no counter for wisp"- io
At early game(after level 7 and maxing spirits) you must play as ganker with relocate, to dominate enemy's asses and get gold.MAIN THING IS DOMINATE ENEMIES BEFORE THEY GET FARM SO GO MID. But better gank with teammate, using tether.Read how to gank rightly in "ganker" part and not forget to use ur overcharge and armlet.After your play style is mostly same:you go into teamfight with ulti, doing ur damage and taking with urself back low-hp allys, but sometimes can start fight with no ulti and use ulti for go regen or take some allies into it.If someone of ur team gets ganked - try to save him with ulti and kick they asses!skill build: 1tether-2spirits-3spirits-4overcharge-5spirits-6relocate-7spirits-8overcharge-9overcharge-10overcharge-11relocate and after attributes before 23 lvl.starting items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - makes harrassing and lasthitting easier.core items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - you MUST learn how to abuse it good.with io's additional resistance to all 20% from overcharge and very low hp it is very good and usable survive and damage item(because io's main is strength)+gives good hp regen.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - can be used for control over creep, that can give u additional stuns, auras, and tether-out. And of course lifesteal is also good bonus, heals tethered ally.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - you are carry, so power treads ofc.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] you say: what abyssal blade doing in ranged hero guide?it have only 10% chance!but let's face it: it gives F%&KING 110 DAMAGE(100+10 from strength), active stun what goes thru all except linken, good combo with ur ulti, and with armlet and io's overcharge io have good attack speed, and bash proc's like 1 time in a 2-2.5 seconds. Must have.late:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - slows, attribute bonus and ms bonus from sange and yasha, but sometimes better buy manta, let me explain why6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - when u start fight, u can send 1 illusion forward, and when enemy runs away - tether to it:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]Also it can remove some debuffs.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - provide u and tethered ally MEGA FAST hp regen cuz of ur high damage.Must have.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - against disables.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - against evasion and many channeling spells.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - MORE DAMAGE!6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - viable sometimes.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - vs rightclickers.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - double abyssal or bkb,not bad +damage,viable sometimes6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - can be used vs rightclickers[2] for make more simply armlet abusing.Some games:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]

io the deadly damage ganker

early game:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]core gank items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]situational/late:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]use 6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian], wait 10 secs until cd is about 2 secs, 6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] with someone and use 6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] rightly in enemy! Ur 10 spirits grants u 1000 AOE magical damage, dagon 400-800, and all that (except last 2-3 spirits) increases with Ethereal blade for 40%!You must try to use ethereal before damaging enemy with spirits and dagon

io the helpful support

starting items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]x36.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]x26.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]early game:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]core items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian](ye 2 boots)situational:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]

io the mega regen healer

healer io is probably most simple thing in dota//хилер висп это наверное самая простая вещь в доте:-buy//купите6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian](6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian])-use on carry//используйте на кэрри6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian], включите 6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]-let carry go fight//дайте кэрри начать замес.care from splash attacks and aoe spells what can stop ur tarrasque regen//опасайтесь сплеш урона и АОЕ скиллов которые могут сбить ваш реген тарраски.if your carry is not so r*tarded and dont breaks tether what gives him about 120 regen and 70 AS, it makes him really unkillable//если ваш кэрри не настолько дцп чтоб рвать связку дающую ему около 120 регена и 70 аттакспида, это сделает его реально неубиваемым.situational//по ситуации:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]-against radiance//против радика6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]

io the skilled guy positioning(saver/slower)

if you like active positioning game, save ur allies, want to do something more that mechanically pressing mek and be really helping - that io is yours.core items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - makes easier to slow with tether and hit with spirits, can save u after return6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - you can hide urself or/and ally, can save u after return.Invisibility stays after Relocate's return.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - makes some easier to escape or save ally6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - more mobility and opportunities.6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - u can bring ur ally tps.situational:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - not bad escape combo with blink dagger , 40 ms, mana regen, disable enemies and cancel TP's only for 2.7k gold6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - regens u and ally6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - instant heal6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - removes buffs/debuffs from u and ally, slow enemies6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - can save ur ally from phys attacks6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - good heal6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - heals too, and u can faster heal ally on respawn6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - if enemy get many disabling spells like bane's nightmare6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - sometimes can be usable to save 2 allies or give 2 abyssal and not bad passive bonuses(Note: ur ulti returns u in place from what FIRST ulti casted, if u cast it second before return time)6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - stats and slow6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - slow and hp, not so much expensive6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian] - help ur ally with stun against enemy with magic immunity

io troll(can use after u clearly understand what your team 100% lose) :DDDD

Starting items:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]Drop couriers on lane, then let they killed, then when its respawn - make couriers run in infinite cycle round ur ancient by cycle-binding it one to another.(min 3 couriers required).Buy midas for boost ur ulti lvlup.Core:6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]6.82 io full guide (carry/ganker/support/positioning/healer) by ??????[Russian]Climb on rocks and teleport ur allies on it, or teleport them to their fountain blink out and tp out. Feed with ur allies, pushing them with force staff into groups of enemies. But keep saving it in team fights to troll enemy.If you have money for sentry u can write different words or draw with it.Go solo roshan and cancel a courier :DDD

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