
» » How To Become A Deathrun Pro!!!!!!

How To Become A Deathrun Pro!!!!!!

How To Become A Deathrun Pro!!!!!!

Part 1: Who am I?

Well well wellYou have just been playing deathrun and wondering if you can become better at the others?Started playing the game and tried on your first go and raged?If you want to become a pro, you will need to read, learn & try out!Hi, I'm LasorGamer, and this is a guided to becoming a Deathrun Pro!

Part 2: Deathrun's Finests!!!!!!

So do you want to learn to Deathrun Like a boss?Well not yet!?!?Yes so you better listen to what I have to say.Here is my list of the best:'Krazygirl''Crash Bandicoot''ScotchSS''Spyro''A Wizard Hat''LasorGamer''Hawke''Mortsquad''Sir Derpingston III''ProtoBlue''easyheroes''picklesaur4000''Floopiez''Ship the DellDoe''That One Derpy Pyro''Tyrone''SolarMax''???D?eamy???™''?????''DovaBear''|iG| Tatsumaru Senpai''The Iron Pootis''Pooh da bear''FarmerJigsaw''Gustavo12x12''Catnap Gamz''Skittlez''Funny''MapleTyger''???EлigмД.t?t #MegaCha''[GC] Cosmic Kookies''Alvin''[M]eme =3[DJ]'HowlingWolfyWolf' (he often Changes names so look for his wolf Photo, or just go to my profile and look at friends.)(More will be added soon)These people use technices that are used for heaps of maps!Now you know them, ever saw one of them in your deathrun server?Well now we have talked about awesome peopleLet's talk about traps that are found in a lot of maps.

Part 3: Traps we see a lot in deathrun

Now I have listed the most traps that have been in a lot of deathrun maps.1. THE DEATH DOORS!The death doors are in almost every single deathrun map ever made!What the Death Doors are 2 doors that one of them is safe to pass through and one that when you go through, you die!This is a trap that makes people wait for someone to go through one or to make your mind go in notts! Just remember it is not your fault for disciding and one thing that gets people more confused is that the doors CHANGE!!!!! So be careful what you choose.2. THE MOVING PLATFORMS!The Moving Platforms are not in that much, but are seen a lot in maps.What the Moving Platfroms do is that one moves back&forth and another one moves back&forth. sometimes having too much people on one platfrom, will cause the platfrom to stop moving! So you have two options: 1. the right amout of people juming on the platfrom will cause it to move. 2. You get off the platfrom. The Platfroms can move up&down in a few maps and sometimes they have traps with these platfroms! Plus there is a Bunny Hop Platfrom. Where you jump on it and it breaks after a second. So keep hopping to the next one and don't stop! Don't worry, they respawn!Well that's pretty much all I can coverand now the moment you have been waiting for...The Skills of becoming a Pro!!!!

Part 4: Skills

Now let me just list the ones that are used for avoiding traps!1. Move forward than backSometimes this is used for tricking Hale that your going through the trap. Making him activate the trap and you at the start of the trap safe & sound!2. Jumping forward than walking/jumping backSame Skill, just different stragedy.3. CornersSometimes in traps that don't kill you yet but kill you slowlyYou can get right to a corner and be fine when the effect happens.(just be mindful, this does not work with all maps!)4. Decorations for your advantageIf you have a bottom less pit with a bridge and the bridge breaks but there is a torch on the side you can just reach. Use the torch to sit there until the bridge comes back!!!!! (this is just a definition of how this skill works) A map that has this Trick: vsh_pyrimid_v3 (some decor is not near traps, nor beable to stand on!)5. Wait and jump+crouchThis is for when trying to just reach blocks or for jumping over moving blades.(Not all blocks are reachable) (Not all blocks are avoidable)

Part 5: Map Tricks

An Idea Made by this guythe Frozen Noses of Joe 13 Aug @ 6:02pm Tips and tricks for certain maps in particular?Sumbit Your tricks in the comments and I'll see if they're worthy enough!!!1st. On Supermario64. When you get to the moving platfroms in the castle, if the Hale activates it Crouch and keep still on the platform so you don't fly out of the castle. This way you don't fall off when it goes super fast. There is also another way to survive that trap too! If two players are on the platfrom, one must crouch and both must not move. The platform itself won't move really fast. I once actully got thrown but went back as well and came back to the start of the trap!!!2nd. On Ironworks. After leaving the elevator leading to the room with submerged flooring and the platforms that go up and down, if you jump onto the large pipe to the left of the room, you stand a better chance of making it past the bridge without the Hale sending you to a watery grave.Also when you get to the convaor belt you can still survive if he activates the trap! Just jump on the convaor belt and when he activates it, move to the side and stay on the wall so you don't die!!!3rd. On Delay. When you fall down though the pipe and then the third trap after that. If you jump on the table then jump back, and if Hale activates it. You'll have a better chance to avoid the trap since the trap goes up to crush people on the top.(More will be uploaded soon!)

Hope I was help

Well my time is over and you have a lot of fun to do now you know what to expect (hopefully)Well see yah laterAnd good luck with Hale too!!!!!;D

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